Wednesday, August 3, 2011

31 Days

If you've never visited Chatting at the Sky, you are missing out.  Not only is her blog visually beautiful, so is her writing, her message, and her heart.  This October she is doing the "31 Days" again.  This year her topic is "31 Days to Change the World". 

She also urges us to do our own 31 Days.  I really think I'd like to do it this year.  I just need to figure out what to call it.  What would you like to see?

Actually, I just thought of what I think I can call it.  31 Days to Making Others Feel Loved.  I'll include 31 ways to making others feel special, loved, thought of...whatever you want to call it. 

What do you think???

1 comment:

  1. Love it. I read her. She's actually a friend of mine from college. Can't wait for her book
