Thursday, December 15, 2011

Some Drugs are Good

Kids, never tell anyone where you heard that.  m'kay?

I had dental surgery Tuesday.  And as someone so eloquently put it this morning, "Yeah, you are still looking chipmunkish.  But don't worry, chipmunks are cute."  This person has clearly never seen Alvin and the Chipmunks.  Nor has she looked like a chipmunk.  Yes, chipmunks are cute.  When they are outside running away from my dog.  Not when I am compared to one.

It takes a lot of Novocaine to get me good and numb.  Seriously, I had 6 shots.  I'd like to say that I have a high pain tolerance but I think it is finally time to admit that I don't.  I had a good run of it though.  Finally the truth is out.  I'm a big baby.  You'd think after 20 years of painful, um...times of the month, I'd be all good and scarred and strong.  Nope.  I still cry when my finger gets shut in the drawer.  I lament over cutting myself while shaving.  Yes, Brad, I do still shave.  Sometimes. 

Well, two days after my surgery I am still hurting.  And that is where the drugs come in.  It's only Ibuprofen, but it is good, and I like it. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

All I Want for Christmas

Am I the only one who hates to give people a list of things to get me for Christmas?  Oh?  I am?  Oh well.  I hate it.  If you are determined to get me something then you probably should have thought about what it was before having to ask me what I wanted.  :) 

So here is my list, in all it's glory. 

1.  Free time. 
2.  A clean house.
4.  Enough money so I don't have to work.
5.  A new kitchen.
6.  New windows.
7.  10 lbs of weight loss. 
8.  The ability to run for 20 minutes without dying or requiring hospitalization.
9.  A personal chef.
10.  World peace.

Can you help me out with any of those?