I'm traveling for work this week. Of course I am. If I was traveling for pleasure I can almost assure you I wouldn't be blogging. Except maybe to tell you how incredibly awesome my trip was.
I actually like traveling for work. That is probably because I don't have to do it too often and it is a nice break from the constant stream of
complaints interruptions employees. The one thing I don't like about traveling, however, is the food. I know, the company is paying for it, I should have a nice meal. But I sit here wondering how it can be so much more difficult to have fruits and vegetables away from home. And why do companies think a continental breakfast is actually a breakfast? Bagels and pastries are ok, but I want fruit and maybe some oatmeal. Heck, I'll even take a nice cereal.
I'm beginning to sound a bit high maintenance. OR maybe I always have and I'm just now realizing it. Either way, I'm not. :)
I promise to post more when I get back. Maybe.